Instant understanding
Complex documents are analyzed in seconds and prepared in an understandable way - no matter how difficult the content is
Explanations in simple language
Get explanations in simple, understandable words without technical terms and complicated formulations
Works with any document
From legal contracts and insurance policies to scientific papers and technical documentation - we make every text understandable
From complex to crystal clear
See how our AI transforms complex documents into understandable explanations
Ask follow-up questions
Need more details? Just ask! Our AI can answer specific questions about any part of the document.
Here's how it works: Simplicity in 4 steps
Our powerful AI does all the work for you
Upload your document
AI analyzes the content
Get a simple explanation
Ask specific questions
Understand any type of document
Our AI is trained to understand all types of complex documents
Legal documents and contracts
Understand terms of service, privacy policies, leases, and other legal documents without a law degree
Academic and scientific papers
Translate complex academic language into understandable explanations
Financial and insurance documents
Decipher financial reports, insurance policies, and complex financial documentation
Technical manuals and documentation
Understand complex technical manuals and specifications without expertise
Document-specialized AI technology
Unlike generic AI tools, our system is specifically trained to understand document structure, context, and technical language
We maintain the full context of your document, ensuring explanations are accurate and nothing important is overlooked
Generic AI Tools
Struggle with documents over 10 pages and often deliver inaccurate results
Processes documents of any length and delivers precise, comprehensive explanations
Simple, transparent pricing
Start understanding complex documents today
All prices include applicable taxes
What our users are saying
"I just tried it now and wonder why I didn't do it earlier, this tool is incredible."
"This tool has greatly improved my literature research process. It's incredibly efficient and user-friendly!"

"The PDF Chat saves so much time. Especially if you have to read a lot of large documents."
"Thanks to this tool, I was able to write my bachelor's thesis much faster. The AI Editor is simply brilliant!"

Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about our service
What types of documents can I upload?
You can upload almost any type of PDF document, including legal contracts, scientific papers, financial reports, technical manuals, medical records, and more. Our AI is trained to understand technical language in many fields.
How accurate are the explanations?
Our AI provides highly accurate explanations with an accuracy rate of 99.8%. We have specifically trained our system to understand the context of documents and preserve important details, resulting in more reliable explanations than generic AI tools.
Is my data safe and private?
Absolutely. We take data protection very seriously. Your documents are encrypted during transmission and storage. With our privacy mode, you can ensure that your documents are deleted after processing. We never use your documents to train our AI.
How long does it take to process a document?
Most documents are processed within seconds. Very large documents (over 100 pages) may take a little longer, but you'll still receive your explanation in less than a minute.
Can I ask specific questions about my document?
Yes! After uploading, you can ask any question about your document. Our AI retains the entire context, so you can get specific information about any section, term, or concept in the document.